True Love and Romantic Fiction, the Perfect Couple
The world is intrigued by true love stories just as much as fiction these days. Now, you can find a variety of sites dedicated to the reality of love at your perusal.
It goes to show you that just as many of us are captivated by the reality of romance as we are by a good romance fiction.
Although the two can offer some of the same results for the reader, it's clear they both bring something of their own individual value to the table.
You can't always get the same thing from true love stories that you can get from romantic fiction and vice versa. Neither can replace the other, but they both certainly do make the perfect couple.
You can take a closer look and see that we are often drawn to both types for different reasons. One very significant reason that many of us are captivated by romantic fiction is escapism.
The ability to dream and dare to dream. To live out experiences that would be impossible in reality... or unlikely. To take on new lives and journey to new worlds that don't exist, for the sheer pleasure of it.
We get to ask ourselves, "What life do I want to live today?" and then pick up a book and choose our own adventure that journeys us through our pick of the day.
True love stories can't really replace the sort of bond we form with fiction. Reality is one thing but fantasy is another.
Of course true love stories offer their own sort of getaway, but the boundaries are clear. In reality, most stories are bound by life's limitations. Oh, you may have a few exceptions to the rule, in which something miraculous happened, but that's on an every-now-and-then basis.
But even then we will never be able to journey to a different world and experience life in ways that exist in fiction.
However, true love stories do have a magic of their own. The truth and experiences that we all share in this world will always carry greater weight with us. To connect with a real person who experienced similar trials can't be replaced by fiction.
Curiosity may drive us to read a true story but it's inspiration and intrigue that keeps us there. Knowing someone out there--someone real has gone through something we've personally experienced is powerful.
True, we may be able to make up a sort of false reality with romantic fiction, but it can't replace the substance of truth. That real connection.
True love stories have their own individual quality. They draw us in, because really... what could be more fascinating than reading a true tale about love offset by the circumstance of reality? We all know there's no guarantee in life. Whether we will be dealt a good or bad hand in love is questionable.
We don't know the odds, or what the outcome in our lives will be in the end or during our own personal adventure through life.
When we add the limitations of uncertainty to the pot and combine them together with love--that alone captures our interest.
Whether the ending is good or bad, we're intrigued by the fortunes and misfortunes of reality, because life truly does imitate art.
About The Author
Tameka Norris is the founder of Romantic Short Love Stories. Offering the best of both worlds with true stories about love and romantic fiction. Visit
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